Tuesday 8 May 2018


A warm, sunny day in early May offered an excellent excuse to enjoy a walk though Cuxton and up Mill Hill. Public footpath RS198 starts at railway bridge at the top of Poplicans Road, and runs up through the woodlands on Mill Hill. It is said locally that the base of the windmill that gave Mill Hill its name was moved to Cobham and converted into a house.  A house like this exists in Cobham, but it has been impossible to establish whether it came originally from Cuxton.

Mill Hill Wood is nationally important and is protected by law. Much of it is classified as "ancient": according to the Woodland Trust, "ancient woodland is woodland that has existed since at least 1600 A D, and possibly much longer. Prior to this date, planting of woodland was very uncommon which suggests that if a wood was present in 1600 it is likely to have been there for some time previously, and may be a remnant of the original 'wildwood' which once covered most of Britain..."

In several places, the woods open out, allowing views away to the south over Bush valley...

Southwards view from Mill Hill...
The path levels out at the eastern edge of Brockles, a field of some 20 acres that was (unlike so much of the open land in North Kent) spared the attentions of avaricious land speculators thanks to its acquisition by Plantlife in 2010.

There is a memorial bench there, allowing folk to sit and enjoy the views across the valley out towards Meopham and Luddesdown...

View from the eastern edge of Brockles...
The name "Brockles" seems to be a corruption of the Old English broc-hol, or "badger's hole". Walking across the field brings you to a shady copse where a carved bench ("The Seat") can be found.

"The Seat"
"The Seat"...
Installed as part of the "Valley of Visions" scheme, the bench is the work of local sculptor Steve Portchmouth. The information board, also seen on the above photo, was installed in 2011 by the Cuxton Heritage Trail team...

The west side of Brockles offer extensive views over Bush valley...

From Brockles towards Luddesdown...
From Brockles towards Cuxton...

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